Tuesday 11 June 2013

Equations in love

Bare and bold
he walks in the acid rains.
Passion warming the cold
and love filling the veins.
Wrapped around gold,
his accomplice is a flower
for whom his palm unfolds
and shields her from shower.
But the shield is double edged,
it may scratch the thread
it may guard the aroma
From reaching out to himself instead
As the two souls tumble downhill
together on sand,
their fingers may get unclutched
and make them misunderstand.
But the hearts stay together
no matter where they land,
no matter what they say
If, but, whether, can or and.
Both may shed tears
but it only catalyzes
the positive swarm against fears
when in her absence, he analyzes.
Sometimes he wobbles and sleeps
with thoughts of depart,
but all the haze clears by one look
at those divine works of art.
Both acknowledge this “fun”
of facing those word bullets
fired from the other’s gun
These fights are cute
Aren’t they?
as they rekindle the same
togetherness of the first day
When they clutched palms
referred as “night and day”
sitting on the wall beside
the far-off water bay.
“The company has been eventful.
Honey, ain’t it?
It made my life beautiful”
He said “Thanks for being part of it”

-- This poetry is a work of fiction

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